Lisa “LFR” Starr Rosenstein was a vibrant member of the Optimistic community. On March 6, we are honoring Lisa’s memory and love of running with a 5k run. The most important things to Lisa were her family, friends and fitness. Any time she could combine her loves together, she was supremely happy.
Lisa Starr Rosenstein passed away on May 2, 2021 in a tragic hit and run accident while out on her morning run. We will always remember Lisa as a mom, wife, friend, sister and daughter who absolutely loved running. Her husband, Alan, and their two kids, Emma and Nathan, were her greatest supporters in her running adventures. Often you’d find her family at her races high fiving her as she crossed the finish line. Lisa was proud to have completed 27 races in the last four years with her all-time favorite being the New York Marathon. Here, we’re sharing stories and memories from people whose lives were impacted by LFR’s big and loving heart.
“Happiness is…”
“Happiness is reflecting on how I earned each of these medals..and looking forward to needing another rack so I can have more space …. to run
more races…and to think I hated just to run 400 meters in a wod..”- Lisa “LFR”
“Intensity for Life”
“She Loved Big”

“Larger Than Life Expressions”
“I’ve taken so many photos of LFR at the gym. Everytime my camera pointed in her direction, she gave a big smile, or stuck out her tongue. She had big, larger than life expressions. What I can never express in words, I can show in photos. I love you, LFR.” – India Martinez
“The Real Lisa, Under All the Layers”
As you can see, Lisa left a big impact on everyone who came in contact with her. We hope you’ve enjoyed these memories, and we invite you to join us in celebrating her life and legacy at the LFR Memorial 5K Run on Sunday, March 6th, 2022. You can register online here. See you there!