
January 2021 Optimistic Round Up

January at Crossfit Optimistic North Central & Alamo Heights has been busy! We are prepping for the CrossFit Open with the Widowmaker back squat series, foundational gymnastics skill clinic, and a nutrition challenge. We are starting off 2021 strong and laying the foundation in January for an awesome year of health, fitness, and community.









The Widowmaker Back Squat Series


We are starting off 2021 with a back squat series called “The Widowmaker.” We didn’t make this one up- it’s a named CrossFit workout! Every Friday for strength training we do one set of 20 reps. Each week, we make our back squats a little bit heavier. The best part is hearing Optimists find out they are stronger than they think! Four weeks in, we have two weeks left in February for the Widowmaker. 

“If you would have told me a year ago that I would be able to back squat 115 pounds 20 times, I would have laughed right in your face. I would have never thought in a million years that I would be a CrossFitter. I have loved watching my body change and become stronger every day. It has given me confidence and has shown me how strong I really am. I have never been more proud of myself. The box has become one of my happy places.” -Kimberly aka “Dog Pound”

Shoulder Mobility Clinic with Dr. Stares 

Dr. Stares from the Performance Republic was back at the gym with another fantastic clinic, this time focusing on shoulders. We tested our shoulder mobility with a few exercises, then he gave us stretches to increase our range of motion. We finished the clinic by re-testing the beginning exercises and Optimists saw great improvement in their shoulder mobility!

January Episode of the Optimistic Podcast

We had the privilege of talking with Optimistic friend and Trinity University Strength & Conditioning Coach, Daniel Martinez. He shared his research using himself as the test dummy for squats and working with student athletes. For the podcast he brought along his Australian puppy Sisu, and if you listen carefully you can hear her barking a few times in the background! 

800g Nutrition challenge

We will be starting the #800gChallenge on February 8th. For exactly 4 weeks, we challenge you to eat 800 grams of fruits and vegetables a day! The best part of this challenge is that no foods are eliminated- you eat what you want! Coach Anjo held an info session talking all about the nutrition challenge. 

So why 800 grams? 

An academic study found that 800 grams of fruits and vegetables was the ideal number for risk mitigation against stroke, cancer, heart disease, and more. Most importantly, 800 grams works as a meaningful daily standard to measure for a competition. For CrossFitters, you give us a goal, leaderboard, friendly competition and community (not to mention prizes) and we are ALL IN on a nutrition challenge! 

The Optimistic Team

Coach Chip and Coach Tori shared the knowledge they learned from a Gymnastics Course they attended! The Optimistic Team has some great progressions for your pullups and pushups the next time you’re in the box for a WOD. In February, we will have a gymnastics clinic focusing on the foundational shapes (hollow and arch), and progressions that will help you get your first pull-up or pushups. We are excited to give gymnastics tips and tricks to get you ready for the CrossFit Open!

Funnies at the Box

A Word From Coach Mike

Always move forward. Constantly put yourself in uncomfortable positions that force your hand to learn, improve and grow. Have a desire to be better than the day before. Never settle for the same ole same ole. Never accept being comfortable.
Attempt. Fail. Repeat. Over and over and over.
5 or 6 months ago (maybe longer) there were muscle ups in the WOD. I said no problem I’ll squeak a few out. Result: I looked like a fish out of water. Flopping and flipping like a knuckle head. Finally got a MU and said….just a bad day. No biggee.
Went into the gym this morning to knock out a Dubs and MU WOD and what do you think happened? Not only another train wreck but embarrassing attempts. Angelina looked at me and said you need some refresher drills.
I got comfortable thinking I’d just swing and land a few MU. I was wrong. Dead wrong.
Lesson learned. Never stop working on your skills if it’s just a minute or two a day or a long skills cycle. Some skills are perishable.
Never stop learning.
Rings: 1, Mike: nil
See you tomorrow Mr. Rings.