Coach Mike

Advice Every Runner Should Hear

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify Coach Mike has been in a long term relationship- with running. It began with his dad making him run laps around his neighborhood as punishment, to running his first 10K race as a 3rd grader, to chafing his nipples in his first marathon while he was stationed in Germany.  In the latest episode …

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COVID-19 convalescent plasma

Renewed Faith in Humanity from COVID-19?!

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify We talked with one of our Optimists, Paul “The Champ” Basaldua about his COVID-19 news. He is giving his post-Coronavirus Blood Plasma to help those still fighting the COVID-19 illness. We want to help spread the story so others may find a way to be part of the solution! You can make a …

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Margie Blomstrom: How Having Kids Changed My Marriage

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify Margie Blomstrom and her husband Kevin had three kids within 21 months: twins through IVF and their third child shortly after. As Margie put it “It rocked our world. It rocked our marriage. We were in survival mode for years.” As their children have grown older, Margie and Kevin are learning how to …

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Building Muscle & Mental Toughness

Building Muscle & Mental Toughness

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify   Coach Mike and Coach Anjo sit down with their four kids and discuss how starting CrossFit early shaped them into the confident young adults they are now. Forrest & India were the first CrossFit teens and Sierra & Maya were the first CrossFit kids at CrossFit Optimistic! They talk about how CrossFit …

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King William District CrossFit

Brick By Brick: Building a CrossFit Gym from the Ground Up with Dan Kachtik

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify Dan Kachtik poured the concrete, bolted down roof panels, and put up the beams to literally build his affiliate, King William District CrossFit. In this episode of the Optimistic Podcast, Coach Mike talks with local CrossFit gym owner, Dan, about the process of building his gym. After hearing multiple people tell him “you …

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Staying Healthy and Connected While At Home

Last week, Coach Mike was featured on an episode of the Broken to Unbroken podcast, along with Jeremy Tucker (owner of Elite CrossFit), Jill Digiampaolo (Manager & Coach at Jones N4 CrossFit), and Dr. Nick Askey of Airrosti. They discussed how local boxes are surviving the shutdown and how they are keeping their community connected …

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